Riptide is an action packed spaceship shooter where you take control of a large naval themed spaceship and fight in intergalactic battles to take back what was taken from you. This is a project made by 3zStudios where I operated as Lead Producer & Scrum Master. Showed off at PAXeast 2024, this game was a dream come true for our team and is forged purely on passion.

The rebellions last hope…

My role


My role -

Team management

Removed blockers and made sure no one felt overwhelmed or overworked. I did everything from sometimes securing food to analyzing problems and getting outside help when needed.


Made sure our team was consistently iterating and improving our processes. Kept track of goals and delegated work when we grew! Made sure that our development team had personal ownership over the project and a safe environment to give feedback. Lastly, I made fun Retrospectives where we gave each other kudos and had fun discussing the mistakes and achievements we made each sprint.


Riptide is a child born of many losses. We made a wonderful game, but in order to do so we had to reign ourselves in. I lead conversations of cutting features such as boss fights & other big ambitions when I realized they could potentially hurt the health of our team & product.


Worked with a marketing team to create graphics and edit videos for advertising on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok.

  • Managed a pipeline and prepared physical materials for distribution at events, including tabling at PAX East to promote our game and Champlain College.

  • Successfully advertised our game, resulting in nearly 200 wishlists on Riptide’s Steam page.

Had fun!

Game development can be tough. I don't think our team could have succeeded if we didn’t make sure we had fun while making our product. I planned Pizza parties, retreats, movie nights, and many other events both for our community and team. Stress happens! And when it does, I wanted to make sure I was there to give a space to take a moment and recuperate.


I organized our project information on Confluence, Miro, and Google Sheets to track deadlines, details, and progress. I managed development timelines and dependencies on Miro, and created interactive Gantt charts on Google Sheets for more detailed timelines.

Enjoy our Capstone Show trailer!
